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# -*- Mode: Perl -*-
# dirsplit ---
# Author : Eduard Bloch ( blade@debian.org )
# Last Modified On : Sun, 06 Feb 2005 14:59:51 +0100
# Status : Working, but use with caution!
# License: GPLv2
my $version="0.3.3";
require v5.8.1;
use strict;
use List::Util 'shuffle';
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling);
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
my $ret=0;
my $max="4488M";
my $prefix="vol_";
my $acc=20;
my $emode=1;
my $bsize=2048;
my $ofac =50;
my $opt_help;
my $opt_longhelp;
my $opt_sim;
my $opt_dir;
my $opt_flat;
my $opt_move;
my $opt_ver;
my $opt_sln;
my $opt_ln;
my $opt_filter;
my $opt_simple;
my $opt_follow;
my $get_ver;
my $opt_listfile;
my %options = (
"h|help" => \$opt_help,
"d|dirhier" => \$opt_dir,
"flat" => \$opt_flat,
"f|filter=s" => \$opt_filter,
"F|follow" => \$opt_follow,
"e|expmode=i" => \$emode,
"o|overhead=i" => \$ofac,
"b|blksize=i" => \$bsize,
"n|no-act" => \$opt_sim,
"m|move" => \$opt_move,
"l|symlink" => \$opt_sln,
"L|hardlink" => \$opt_ln,
"v|verbose" => \$opt_ver,
"s|size=s" => \$max,
"S|simple" => \$opt_simple,
"T|input=s" => \$opt_listfile,
"p|prefix=s" => \$prefix,
"a|accuracy=i" => \$acc,
"H|longhelp" => \$opt_longhelp,
"version" => \$get_ver
&show_help(1) unless ( GetOptions(%options));
&show_help(1) if $opt_help;
&show_longhelp if $opt_longhelp;
if($get_ver) {
print $version;
exit 0;
# ignore the old dirhier setting since it is default now and disable the flag when opt_flat is specified
$opt_dir = !$opt_flat;
$opt_ver = 1 if $opt_sim;
$opt_move=1 if ($opt_sln || $opt_ln);
# big list @sizes containing the "items" (object sizes)
# %names hash mapping "items" (size as key) to arrays with filenames/subarrays for coalesced files
my @sizes;
my %names;
# result containts the calculated output. In simple mode, an
# array (bins) of atoms (files or filelists). Otherwise, sizes
# instead of atoms, to be resolved with %names.
my @result;
my $inputdir;
# about 400kB for iso headers
# init default value
my $globwaste=0;
if(-d $ARGV[0] || (-d readlink($ARGV[0]))) {
syswrite(STDOUT,"Building file list, please wait...\n");
# save the absolut path before doing anyhting
elsif($opt_listfile) {
if($opt_listfile eq "-") {
else {
open(my $in, "<", $opt_listfile) || die "Cannot open list file $opt_listfile\n";
else {
die "Error: please specify a directory\n";
# check for pointless requests
my $testsize=0;
for(@sizes) {
die "Too large object(s) ($_) for the given max size: @{$names{$_}} (maybe coalesced in arrays, check manually)\n" if($_>$max);
$acc=1 if ($testsize <= $max); # just generate a list, more trials are pointless
print "\nSumm: $testsize\n" if($opt_ver);
die "Nothing to do!\n" if($testsize<4096); # looks like just an empty dir
if(!$opt_simple) {
syswrite(STDOUT, "Calculating, please wait...\n");
my $starttime=time;
for(1..$acc) {
my @tmp;
#my $waste = bp_bestfit($max, \@in, \@tmp);
my $waste = bp_firstfit($max, \@sizes, \@tmp);
#print "D: waste - $waste\n";
if($waste < $globwaste) {
if($starttime && time > $starttime+10) {
syswrite(STDOUT,"\nSpent already over 10s (for $_ iterations)\nHint: reduce accuracy to make it faster!\n");
undef $starttime;
print "\nCalculated, using ".(scalar @result)." volumes.\n";
print "Wasted: $globwaste Byte (estimated, check mkisofs -print-size ...)\n";
# and the real work
my $i=0;
my $inDirLen=length($inputdir);
for(@result) {
my $o;
open($o, ">$prefix$i.list") if(! ($opt_move || $opt_sim));
my $dirPrefix=dirname($prefix);
my $prefixBase=basename($prefix);
my $dirPrefixAbs=Cwd::abs_path($dirPrefix);
for(@{$_}) {
my $stuffRef;
# For simple mode, the files/atoms are already resolved, otherwise take
# the next with appropriate size.
my $item= $opt_simple ? $_ : shift(@{$names{$_}});
# make reference point to an array with our files, create a list if needed
if(ref($item) eq "ARRAY") {
else {
for my $file (@$stuffRef) {
my $relFile=substr($file,$inDirLen+1);
my $base=basename($relFile);
if($opt_move) {
my $targetsubdir = $dirPrefixAbs."/$prefixBase$i";
$targetsubdir .= "/".dirname($relFile) if($opt_dir);
print "$file -> $targetsubdir/$base\n" if($opt_ver);
if(!$opt_sim) {
mkpath $targetsubdir || die "Problems creating $targetsubdir\n";
# last check
die "Could not create $targetsubdir?\n" if(!(-d $targetsubdir && -w $targetsubdir));
if($opt_sln) {
symlink($file, "$targetsubdir/$base");
elsif($opt_ln) {
if(-d $file && !-l $file) {
mkdir "$targetsubdir/$base";
else {
link($file, "$targetsubdir/$base");
else {
rename($file, "$targetsubdir/$base");
else {
# escape = in mkisofs catalogs, they are used as separator
my $isoname = ($opt_dir?$relFile : $base);
my $sourcefile=$file;
print "$i: /$isoname=$sourcefile\n" if $opt_ver;
print $o "/$isoname=$sourcefile\n" if(!$opt_sim);
close($o) if($o);
exit $ret;
# recursive function
# parameter: directory
# mode 1: descend as far as possible and index all non-directories
# mode 2++:
# put all files of a dir into coaleseced-object, then descend into each dir
sub explore {
(my $dir) = @_;
my @stuff;
my @dirs;
my @files;
opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Could not open $dir\n";
if($opt_simple) {
@stuff=sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @stuff;
foreach my $f (@stuff) {
next if ($f eq "." || $f eq "..");
#print "\$f=$opt_filter;\n";
$f="$dir/$f" if($dir ne ".");
if ($opt_filter) {
next unless (eval("\$f=~$opt_filter;"));
if(-l $f && ! $opt_follow) {
push(@files, $f);
elsif(-d $f) {
push(@dirs, $f);
else {
push(@files, $f);
if( (@dirs + @files) == 0 ) {
# this one is empty, register for cosmetics reason
&insitem(getsize($dir), $dir);
# recurse on directories
&explore($_) for(@dirs);
# and now process files
if($emode==1) {
&insitem(getsize($_), $_) for(@files);
else {
# handle coalesced objects - first some sanity checks and splitting if
# required
my $filesum=0;
for(@files) {
my $tmp=getsize($_);
if($tmp>$max) {
# already too large, stop right here
die "Too large file ($_) for the given max size $max, aborting...\n";
$filesum += $tmp;
# handle coal. objects becoming too large
if($filesum>$max) {
# too large coal. object...
if($emode==3) {
# don't coalesc in this mode, do like mode 1 above, leave them alone
&insitem(getsize($_), $_) for(@files);
# a bit complicated, split file set while creating coal.objects
if($emode==4) {
my $partsum=0;
my @sorted=sort(@files);
my @tmpvol;
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#sorted;$i++) {
# print "D: i: $i, partsum: $partsum, file: $sorted[$i]\n";
my $tmp=getsize($sorted[$i]);
if($partsum>$max) {
# undo the last step then build the coal.object
&insitem($partsum, \@tmpvol);
# reset temporaries
undef @tmpvol;
undef $partsum;
else {
push(@tmpvol, $sorted[$i]);
# ok, building a coalesced object for simple cases
if($filesum) {
&insitem($filesum, \@files);
my $simplePos=0;
my @simpleBinSizes;
# args: size, object (filename or list reference)
sub insitem {
my ($size, $object) = @_;
# normaly, put the items into the pool for calculation. In simple mode, calculate here
push(@sizes, $size);
if($opt_simple) {
# now the simplest method to fill the bins, just take a new one when the
# object-to-be-added no longer fits
if($simpleBinSizes[$simplePos]+$size > $max) {
$globwaste += ( $max-$simpleBinSizes[$simplePos] );
push( @{$result[$simplePos]}, $object);
sub getsize {
(my $file) = @_;
my $size = ((stat($file))[7]);
my $rest = ($size % $bsize);
$size = ($size + $bsize - $rest) if ($rest);
return 1+int(200 + $ofac*length(basename($file)) + $size);
sub parseListe {
my $fh=${$_[0]};
while(<$fh>) {
if(/^(\w+)\s+(.+)/) {
&insitem(fixnr($1), $2);
sub fixnr {
# args:
# Number
# optional: default multiplier
my $fac;
my $nr;
if($_[0]=~/(\d+)(\D)/) {
elsif(defined($_[1])) {
else {
return $_[0];
return $nr*1000000000 if($fac eq "g");
return $nr*1073741824 if($fac eq "G");
return $nr*1000000 if($fac eq "m");
return $nr*1048576 if($fac eq "M");
return $nr*1000 if($fac eq "k");
return $nr*1024 if($fac eq "K");
return $nr if($fac eq "b");
die "$fac is not a valid multiplier!";
sub show_help {
print <<EOM
dirsplit [options] [advanced options] < directory >
-H|--longhelp Show the long help message with more advanced options
-n|--no-act Only print the commands, no action (implies -v)
-s|--size NUMBER - Size of the medium (default: $max)
-e|--expmode NUMBER - directory exploration mode (recommended, see long help)
-m|--move Move files to target dirs (default: create mkisofs catalogs)
-p|--prefix STRING - first part of catalog/directory name (default: vol_)
-h|--help Show this option summary
-v|--verbose More verbosity
The complete help can be displayed with the --longhelp (-H) option.
The default mode is creating file catalogs useable with:
mkisofs -D -r --joliet-long -graft-points -path-list CATALOG
dirsplit -m -s 700M -e2 random_data_to_backup/
exit shift;
sub show_longhelp {
my $msglong="
dirsplit [options] [advanced options] < directory >
-n|--no-act Only print the commands, no action (implies -v)
-s|--size NUMBER - Size of the medium (default: $max)
-m|--move Move files to target dirs (default: create mkisofs catalogs)
-l|--symlink similar to -m but just creates symlinks in the target dirs
-L|--hardlink like -l but creates hardlinks
-p|--prefix STRING - first part of catalog/directory name (default: vol_)
-f|--filter EXPR - Filter expression, see examples below and perlre manpage
--flat Flat dir mode, don't recreate subdirectory structure (not recommended)
-e|--expmode NUMBER, special exploration modes, used with directory argument
1: (default) native exploration of the specified directory, but file sizes
are rounded up to 2048 blocks plus estimated overhead for
filenames (see -o option)
2: like 1, but all files in directory are put together (as \"atom\") onto the
same medium. This does not apply to subdirectories, however.
3: like 2, but don't coalesc files when the size of the \"atom\" becomes too
large for the medium size (currently $max)
4: like 2, but the max. size of the atoms is limited to $max (storing the
rest on another medium)
-F|--follow Follow symlinks. Use with care!
-b|--blksize NUMBER, block size of the target filesystem (currently $bsize).
-o|--overhead NUMBER, overhead caused by directory entries (as factor for the
filename length, default: 50, empiricaly found for Joliet+RR
with not-so-deep directory structure). Works in exploration
-a|--accuracy NUMBER (1=faster, large number=better efficiency, default: 500)
-S|--simple Simple/stupid/alphabetic mode
-T|--input FILENAME (or - for STDIN): List with sizes and paths, try:
find dir -type f -printf \"%s %p\n\"
to get an example. Avoid duplicates! Unit suffixes are allowed.
-h|--help Show this option summary
-v|--verbose More verbosity
File sizes are expected to be in bytes, append modifier letters to multiply
with a factor, eg 200M (b,k,K,m,M,g,G for Bytes, Kb, KiB, Mb, MiB, Gb, GiB).
The default output mode is creating file catalogs useable with
mkisofs -D -r --joliet-long -graft-points -path-list CATALOG
dirsplit -m -s 120M -e4 largedirwithdata/ -p /zipmedia/backup_ #move stuff into splitted backup dirs
dirsplit -s 700M -e2 music/ # make mkisofs catalogs to burn all music to 700M CDRs, keep single files in each dir together
dirsplit -s 700M -e2 -f '/other\\/Soundtracks/' music/ # like above, only take files from other/Soundtracks
dirsplit -s 700M -e2 -f '!/Thumbs.db|Desktop.ini|\\.m3u\$/i' # like above, ignore some junk files and playlists, both letter cases
Bugs: overhead trough blocksize alignment and directory entry storage varies,
heavily depends on the target filesystem and configuration (see -b and -o).
You should compare the required size of the created catalogs, eg.:
for x in *list ; do mkisofs -quiet -D -r --joliet-long -graft-points \\
-path-list \$x -print-size; done
(output in blocks of 2048 bytes) with the expected size (-s) and media data
(cdrecord -v -toc ...).
print $msglong;
exit 0;
# Parms: bin size (int), input array (arr reference), output array (arr reference)
# Returns: wasted space (int)
sub bp_bestfit {
my $max=$_[0];
my @in = @{$_[1]};
my $target = $_[2];
my @out;
my @bel;
my @tmp;
push(@out, \@tmp);
$bel[0] = $in[0];
shift @in;
for(@in) {
my $bestplace=$#out+1;
my $bestwert=$max;
for($i=0;$i<=$#out;$i++) {
my $rest;
if($rest>0 && $rest < $bestwert) {
if($bestplace>$#out) {
my @bin;
push(@bin, $_);
push( @{$out[$bestplace]} , $_);
my $ret=0;
# count all rests but the last one
for($i=0;$i<$#out;$i++) {
@{$target} = @out;
return $ret;
# Parms: bin size (int), input array (arr reference), output array (arr reference)
# Returns: wasted space (int)
sub bp_firstfit {
my $max=$_[0];
my @in = @{$_[1]};
my $target = $_[2];
my @out;
my @bel;
piece: foreach my $obj (@in) {
# first fit, use the first bin with enough free space
# print "F: bin$i: $obj, @{$names{$obj}}\n";
for($i=0;$i<=$#out;$i++) {
my $newsize=($bel[$i]+$obj);
# print "bel[i]: $bel[$i], new?: $newsize to max: $max\n";
if( $newsize <= $max ) {
# print "F: bin$i: $bel[$i]+$obj=$newsize\n";
#fits here
push( @{$out[$i]} , $obj);
next piece; # break
# neues Bin
my @bin;
# print "N: bin$i: $bel[$i]=$obj\n";
push(@bin, $obj);
my $ret=0;
# sum up all rests except of the one from the last bin
for($i=0;$i<$#out;$i++) {
# print "hm, bel $i ist :".$bel[$i]." und res:".($max-$bel[$i])."\n";
@{$target} = @out;
# print "wtf, ".join(",", @{$out[0]})."\n";
return $ret;